miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

History of Guayaqui

The history of Guayaquil is the succession of facts that occurred within the current territory of Guayaquil, with the appearance of isolated events due to the geographical nature of its natural region. Guayaquil, like its province and region, has undergone radical changes and important changes of government and territorial division, which can be classified in four parts: the pre-Columbian era where the population process begins and integration of aboriginal tribes in the colonial era from the earliest Spanish settlements to urban growth, the independence era encompassing emancipation and a brief autonomous period, and the republican era since the creation of Ecuador in 1830. After almost three centuries of Spanish rule, the first ideas of independence began to appear in the Americas, progressively causing the uprising of various peoples on the continent. On October 9, 1820, an emancipatory movement was launched in Guayaquil that deposed the Spanish government and installed a Creole led by José Joaquín de Olmedo. For November of that year an assembly was installed where the representatives of the town created the Free Province of Guayaquil like sovereign state, they drafted its first constitution, and they agreed to create a liberating army with the objective of independent the rest of the Real Hearing. Several battles were carried out in front of the royalist troops to assure the independence of the province and to move towards the mountains, also Colombian reinforcements arrived under the command of Antonio Jose de Sucre, and the process would finish in the middle of 1822 in the battle of Pichincha. After that, Simon Bolivar annexed the Free Province to the Great Colombia via manu militari, becoming a department of that country until its disintegration.

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